sudo pip3 install SpeechRecognition
This is the simplest way to install the SpeechRecognition Module.
Audio files that support speech recognition are wav, AIFF, AIFF-C, and FLAC. I have used the ‘wav’ file in this example.
Step 2: speechRecognition.Recognizer() # Initializing recognizer class in order to recognize the speech. We are using google speech recognition.
Step 3: recogniser.recognize_google(audio_text) # Converting audio transcripts into text.
Step 4: Converting specific language audio to text.
Audio file to text conversion
def startConvertion(path = 'sample.wav',lang = 'en-IN'):
with sr.AudioFile(path) as source:
print('Fetching File')
audio_text = r.listen(source)
# recoginize_() method will throw a request error if the API is unreachable, hence using exception handling
# using google speech recognition
print('Converting audio transcripts into text ...')
text = r.recognize_google(audio_text)
print('Sorry.. run again...')
recognize_google(audio_text, language = lang)
Please refer this link for language code:
recognize_google(audio_text, language = "hi-IN")
Full Code:
English audio
Hindi audio
Kannada audio
This blog demonstrates how to convert different language audio files using the Google speech recognition API. Google speech recognition API is an easy method to convert speech into text, but for it to operate, it requires an internet connection.
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Thanks for reading.